Monday, June 15, 2009

The Spongebath

Nothing overly new to report. Same level of pain and discomfort as yesterday and still as hunched when walking. Definitely putting Notre Dame to shame over here. The lack of sleep is getting to me a bit, so I am trying to catch as much dozy shut eye as I can, usually about an hour after my morpheine/gravol cocktail. As soon as my eyes start to roll back in my head, I go with it.

Hubby helped me wash my hair in the tub today. I got down on my knees and used the edge of the tub for support. Not the most comfortable position, but the trailer trash hairdo wasn't exactly working out for me either, I could have greased a frying pan with it. I also washed my pits and crotch (such a lady, I know), washed my face, brushed and flossed my teeth and put on deodorant and fresh clothes.

I feel like a million bucks and I'm ready to rock...who wants to hit up the beach?


  1. wow. I have to tell you.... you are freakin' me out girl! How am I ever supposed to do this now? I know too much. Ignorance is bliss they say :)
    I'm glad you're getting up and about a bit more. You'll be running again before you know it...(okay maybe not but I'm trying to be all helpful and positive)

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